
2008-05-27 08:41:26      s1985

    受周末公布的中國電信業(yè)重組計劃影響,中國移動(China Mobile)股價昨日在香港下跌超過8%.按訂戶數(shù)量計算,該公司是全球最大的無線通訊運營商。

    Shares in China Mobile, the world‘s largest wireless operator by subscribers, fell more than 8 per cent in Hong Kong yesterday on moves at the weekend to shake up the Chinese telecoms sector.


    The slide reflected concerns that the state- orchestrated restructuring of the industry would create more potent competitors to challenge China Mobile‘s dominance. The 8.2 per cent fall in China Mobile’s shares to HK$114.9 followed the 3.8 per cent drop on Friday after news that the restructuring was imminent.


    Beijing at the weekend released plans to restructure China‘s four big operators and a pair of minor rivals into three groups intended to have “national network resources and relatively comparable strength and scale”。

    近些年,中國移動在移動通信市場越來越占主導地位,大大強于實力較弱的中國聯(lián)通(China Unicom)。中國移動擁有70%的無線訂戶,每月還新增700萬客戶。中國政府在重組通告中稱,市場“競爭架構(gòu)嚴重失衡”,需要采取行動,“形成適度、健康的市場競爭格局”,“防止壟斷”。這些話清楚表明了中國移動的成功。

    In recent years, China Mobile has enjoyed increasing dominance of the mobile market over weaker rival China Unicom. The former has 70 per cent of the wireless subscribers and has been winning new customers at the rate of 7m a month. In a clear reference to China Mobile‘s success, the government’s statement said the market was suffering a “serious imbalance in its competitive structure” requiring action to promote “healthy competition, while preventing the development of a monopoly”。

    根據(jù)重組計劃,第二大移動運營商中國聯(lián)通的無線網(wǎng)絡(luò)將被分拆,其CDMA網(wǎng)絡(luò)賣給中國領(lǐng)先的固話運營商中國電信(China Telecom),而GSM網(wǎng)絡(luò)則與第二大固話運營商中國網(wǎng)通(China Netcom)合并。

    Under the plan, the wireless networks operated by China Unicom, the number two wireless group, are to be divided, with its CDMA operations sold to leading fixed-line operator China Telecom, and its GSM network to be merged with trailing fixed-line company China Netcom.


    Shares in China Telecom, China Netcom and China Unicom all rose on Friday ahead of the unveiling of the restructuring before being suspended from trading pending announcements.

    投資銀行高盛(Goldman Sachs)的分析師昨日將中國移動的股票評級從“中性”下調(diào)至“賣出”。

    Analysts at investment bank Goldman Sachs yesterday downgraded China Mobile‘s stock from “neutral” to “sell”。
